8 thoughts on “Today

  1. Hey April, :)I really did love this post, dearest sister, and truly treasured spending the day together. 🙂 Cooking is so fun when you do it with someone you love so much.I love you April, and thank you for being such a precious sister, in flesh and spirit… keep serving our Jesus, April. :)Oh what true Life Jesus is in us… the gift of each day… what a blessing He is to us. May He be truly our All… forever and ever.I love you so much,CarraPS. Can't wait until the artichoke pickles are ready to eat! 🙂

  2. What a beautiful post, April! I liked the pictures of you cooking, and the one of Carra kissing the goat. ;)That is so true!! Family is so precious. I thank God for mine everyday. 😉 Thank you for reminding us to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.Love in Him,Mikailah~

  3. Lookes like a productive day of cooking. I love going on walks with my family. A wonderful way to spend time.And yes, we most definitely need to praise and thank God for everything.God Bless,Lauren Anne

  4. My dearest sister Carra;Thank you for being such a sweet sister, K. I truly love you so much. You mean so much to me. And ours is a sisterhood that, in Christ, will be forever.I enjoy every day we spend togther! Cooking IS so much fun when you do it when someone you love – and someone who shares your love for Jesus so, so much!With all my love;AprilP.S. Yummy! Artichoke pickles! 🙂

  5. Hey Mikailah! :)Thanks for the comment! I really liked that picture too! I took another nearly just like it today! 🙂 They're really fun.Yes, family is truly a gift from the Lord.You know, some people don't have the gift of family.Or some do, but have no means of enjoying it.With love in Him;April

  6. Hey Lauren Anne!Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! 🙂 It was exciting seeing a comment from a new visitor this morning! I stopped by and visited your blog too. :)We love our family walks. We try to take one every day.In Him;April

  7. It is very special, isn't it, April, to spend time sharing together as a family! All the things you and Carra cooked look so yummy :).That's funny, with us we always eat pumpkin as a savory… how else would you eat it?!How much I want to thank the Lord too, April, for all the goodness of the Lord. That HE is our Life! And for the many precious gifts He blesses us with like family and the life that He has given us! I praise Him!Sorry for this late comment. I've not been able lately to catch-up with all the posts going around, but thank you for sharing this, dear sister.In His love,~Joy

  8. Hey Joy!Sorry for this late response to your comment! 🙂 Thank you for commenting. Your comment blessed me to read it. Yes, Jesus is to always be praised for that wondrous blessing of being our very life!Isn't that something! You always eat pumpkin as savory! We have always eaten it sweet! Maybe I can post on that soon. :)Much love in Jesus;April

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